With over eight billion people, there is always someone stronger, faster, or better. However, you are the only you. Before your identity merges with the world's expectations and you become just another rat in the race, have the courage to walk away. Walk away from the prototype you're forced to be and towards the individual you're meant to be. Find your unique markings and wear them proudly. Reimagine the world because it is only as interesting as you are. Understood fully by only a few, Opium is a state of mind, making it as unique as the person who possesses it. Opium products are not just objects you can see, feel, touch, and wear. They are stories waiting to be told. Stories that fill up the empty canvas between you and the world. Stories that make you uniquely you.
Let this thought run through your mind the next time you spot Opium at an airport, a department store, or an eyewear store near you